The EarthProject app will teach you and motivate you to reduce your carbon and plastic waste!
  • Goal Setting

    What action will you take today?

  • Tangible

    Take a bike, eat less red meat, avoid buying a new pair of shoes or drink less canned soda

  • Learn

    Receive tips about the environment and take small actions which have a possitive effect on the planet

  • Single-use plastics

    Stop using straws, PET bottles, cosmetic bottles and plastic bags

  • Teachers

    Put your school on the map and add classes so you can keep track of your students' efforts

  • Parents

    We respect your child's privacy. Keep track of your daughter's or son's impact.


All about you

After you took actions, you can see your impact on the world

  • Carbon

    You rock! See the amount of tons of carbon avoided.

  • Plastic

    Check the amounts of plastic you avoided going to our oceans

  • Algorithm

    Rock solid data by Deloitte scientists

  • Calendar Input

    Take action - every day, week, or month.

  • Planet Earth

    Check how the rest of the world is doing. And compare your efforts.

  • You make a difference

    Learn - Act - Check. You make a difference. We appreciate you!

  • It's a team effort

    Create or join a team and start doing this together!

  • Create team

    Set up a team and ask your friends, colleagues, peers and family to join.

  • Leaderboard

    Get recognition for your efforts. Game on!

  • Join team

    How about a small competition between 2 organisations, classes or groups?

  • Your buddy

    Find someone who's on the same mission. In another city, country or even continent.

  • Together we can do this

    We celebrate your efforts with levels, credits and badges.

Let's do this. Together!

Create or join a team. And find a buddy somewhere on the planet.



Take a look how the app works.

Support for Teachers and Schools

EarthProject app was created as part of TAG's Climate Action Project which was launched in schools across 162 countries globally. The app allows to take action and keep track of progress.
That is why the app always will do something extra for teachers and students.

EarthProject app for Education


Impact created by users of the app
The app translates efforts and impact into the avoided, reduced and removed amounts of carbon.
Efforts in kg of carbon/plastic:












Bath & Showers

Across 98 countries students planted 2338933 trees as part,
which equals 65,490,124 kg (144,405,723 lbs) carbon dioxide absorption.


Download EarthProject app today and start creating impact!

For iOS For Android